Frequently Asked Questions
Individuals will be able to pay directly at the pay stations, mobile payment- HONK and PaybyPhone, or online by credit card.
Term passes require 30 days’ notice and there will be a $30 administration fee for cancellations. Refunds will be prorated from the cancellation day, after the 30-day period minus the administration fee. There are no provisions for short-term parking pass refunds.
We encourage the use of other forms of transportation such as public transit, bicycle use, or walking. Recently, VIU expanded the bicycle shelter near building 190 and incorporated a fenced compound with restricted access to improve bicycle security.
Government no longer provides funding to build or expand parking lots at post-secondary institutions. Vancouver Island University has undergone rapid growth, creating overcrowded parking lots. Each day about 2,800 cars–mostly single occupant vehicles-arrive on campus. Each car spews out toxic emissions that pollute the environment and affect the air we breathe. Pay parking is one way to encourage people to share rides or seek alternative methods of transportation, and to discourage people from driving alone to Vancouver Island University’s Nanaimo campus. We have been working closely with Nanaimo Transit to improve bus service to the Nanaimo campus. Net revenues from parking fees will be used for transportation and safety initiatives such as better facilities for cyclists, better lighting, more emergency phones, and other initiatives to improve personal safety and security, and to make Vancouver Island University a greener campus.
B.C. universities charge for parking; parking fees range from $200 to $2466 for an annual permit.
No, these campuses do not have pay parking at this time.
Employees can park in designated Employees-Only, General Access or Economy lots. Visitors can park in Short-Term, General Access or Economy lots. Any vehicle parked in an Employee-Only lot without having registered a vehicle licence plate to an e-permit will be subject to immediate tow away at owner’s expense. Motorcycles can park in designated motorcycle parking spots on campus – [ see map ]. Bicycle racks are available across campus – [ see map ].
No, there is no overnight parking or vehicle storage permitted on the VIU campus. Any vehicles found not to have been moved overnight or longer than a 24 hour period will be ticketed or towed.
You can update your vehicle licence plates under your e-permit account yourself; adding or removing vehicle licence plates as is necessary.
You will only need one e-permit. Buy an e-permit for your car and register the licence plate of your motorcycle as well as the licence plate of your vehicle.
Persons parking with a displayed disability permit are asked to park in marked disability stalls. If there are none available, parking in unmarked stalls is acceptable. Payment is optional, but not required for persons displaying a valid disability permit.
You can park in a General or Economy lot.
We chose to issue violation notice to vehicles in violation rather than towing if at all possible. In some instances however, it is necessary to tow vehicles immediately such as when a vehicle is; parked in a fire lane, parked in a disabled stall without a permit, or parked in an employee lot without the licence plate having been registered by e-permit or other form of payment.
Additionally, if a vehicle is found to have 3 or more outstanding Vancouver Island University parking violations, the vehicle will be towed. Mid-Island Towing and Transport Ltd. is responsible for all towing activity on Campus and can be reached at 250-758-1728.