Chelsea TurnerParking Service Manager
Chelsea has been an integral part of the Robbins’ team since she joined the company eight years ago in the Appeals Department, where she gained valuable experience in our patrol process, back-end software and LPR systems.
Chelsea was promoted to Patrol Supervisor in 2017, responsible for all things patrol, our downtown-staffed parkades, and special-event staffing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chelsea has played a key role across five COVID-19 test and immunization sites, deploying a team of 25 parking ambassadors to support Island Health’s patient-flow needs.
In her current role as Parking Services Manager, she oversees our Town of Sidney patrol and expanded our LPR vehicle fleet to five units in the last three years. Her keen interest in the parking industry and genuine passion for employee wellness and engagement have contributed to Robbins’ employee loyalty and retention.