Payment Notices

Payment Notices

Below you will find information regarding paying or appealing a Payment Notice.

Please be advised: by paying a notice you accept the charge. Once a notice is paid, you cannot submit an appeal.

No refunds will be issued.

Click here to pay online. 

If you are paying online, please enter your license plate without any extra characters. Only letters and numbers are valid.

If you are paying for a handwritten notice beginning with H or S then sometimes it takes a couple of business days to be entered into our system. When the notice has been entered it will be the original/reduced value, and the 72 hours will begin once it has been entered.

Please call our office if you need assistance.

Here are the numbers you can call to pay over the phone:

Victoria: 250-382-4439
Nanaimo: 250-753-6789
Toll-free: 1-866-382-4439

Monday to Friday, 8AM to 4PM

Payment Types: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Visa Debit, Mastercard Debit.

Our offices are open between 8.30am-4pm Monday-Friday. We are closed on Stat holidays. We are located at 1102 Fort Street, Victoria and 373 Albert Street, Nanaimo.

Please send your payment to:

Robbins Parking Service Ltd.,

PO Box 427 Victoria Stn CSC,

Victoria, BC V8W 2N8

Payment Types: cheque, money order (payable to Robbins Parking Service)


Appealing Payment Notices

Robbins is tasked with managing parking facilities and ensuring revenue is properly received and accounted for on behalf of our clients that own the properties. A crucial component to achieving compliance in self-park operations is providing patrol, enforcement, collections, and appeals, conducting each firmly, but fairly. Robbins works hard to ensure we keep this reputation with polices designed to gain compliance while being reasonable.

When speaking with one of our patrollers or our office customer service representatives, we ask that you treat them respectfully. This will help in dealing with your parking notice. Please note that the usual appeal time is 7 days after a parking notice is received. After this time, any appeals outcomes may be limited.

Below are a list of questions or payment notice reasons, which may help you understand why you received a ticket. If in doubt, reach out to us. 

Common mistakes when purchasing parking at the meter or mobile app are: Incorrect license plate, entering an “O” instead of a zero in your plate number, entering the wrong zone/lot, not displaying your receipt (if applicable). If you believe you were wrongly ticketed, please fill in the ‘contact us’ form below or call (866-382-4439) our office to appeal within 7 days of the notice issue date.

If you visit a timed lot multiple times in the day, the patroller will not know if you have left in between visiting. If this is the case and you have left the lot, please call or email our office to appeal

Your permit must be clearly displayed on your rearview mirror or dash, please check when leaving your vehicle to ensure your permit is visible. If you are ticketed for this reason, please submit a photo of your parking pass through the ‘contact us’ box below to appeal.

At certain parkades, before the exit will no longer be staffed for the day, an attendant will issue parked vehicles an Honour Honor Notice. This is a notice of parking charges; not a violation notice parking ticket. From your displayed ticket stub, the attendant will use the time you entered the lot to determine how much you owe in parking charges. If a ticket stub is not displayed, the attendant will charge you for the full day. If you believe the amount is incorrect, please submit a photo of your ticket stub through the ‘contact us’ box below for review.

When entering your notice and license plate number, please ensure you are not leaving any spaces and that you include the prefix RP, S, or H in your notice number.

On every notice, there is a pay by date near the bottom of the notice. If you are trying to pay after that date, the notice will increase to $80.00.  Please call our office if you wish to appeal this amount. Appeals are required within 7 days of receiving the notice.

If you are experiencing issues with the meter, please call our office to advise us of this at the time of your payment. There are notes on the signage near the meter to help.

When a notice is left outstanding for over 90 days, this notice may be sent to a third-party collection’s agency. If you are being contacted by them and do not recall having a parking notice, please call our office.

If you have paid for the wrong zone/lot or license plate number, please reach out to whomever you purchased your ticket off.  You will need to contact them to adjust your payment. If you have been ticketed for entering the wrong information on one of these platforms, please call or email us to appeal the notice.

City of Victoria’s Street parking is free after 8 pm (please check with them for confirmed times). However, private parking lots managed by Robbins Parking, have pay parking is in effect 24/7, including holidays. Robbins lots may have a day rate that allows you to park until 6 pm. After this time, you will need to pay the hourly parking rate.

In most timed customer lots, there will be a Applicable parking lots have designated staff areas and/or require displayed a staff parking passes. Speak with your manager about your work’s parking policies and procedures. Staff are not entitled to park in the customer parking area. If the staff areas are full, staff must park off the lot.